Irony of Nepali Media: Sachchai and Church are the same.

A week ago, 8-year-old Ajay Yadav of Gulria 10 Kalabanjar, Bardia, died when some members of an organization called Satya Vachan Param Ishwariya Marg Darshan (Sachchai) tried to pray without sending him to the hospital. After that Police arrested three people those members of Sachchai.  But the irony is that some Nepali Media did not understand that the Sachchai and the church are different, they put headlines 

"अस्पताल जान पर्दैन, चर्चमा प्रार्थना गरे निको हुन्छ" भन्दा ८ वर्षीय बालकको ज्यान गयो

 "You don't need to go to the hospital, just pray in the church and you will get well" and an 8-year-old boy died. 

Other Media also put the headline 

 The news was summarized by making a headline. This can happen for two reasons. 

The first thing is that those media press the news about what they hear without searching for the truth. Because of this, the media is being defamed. 

The second thing may be that the media are attacking the faith of Nepali Christians to discredit the church. 

Both of these reasons must be illegal. Because of this, those media can fall into the trap of the law. The job of the media is to bring out the truth. In the future, if the church does something wrong, the media should bring it out but don't attack to church without reason. This thing has not happened only once, but for a long time in the past, most Nepali media have been continuously attacking the Christian faith. What Nepali Christians have been enduring. The suggestion and advice to the Nepali media are that while reporting the news, they should report the truthful news and also not attack the faith of any person. But respect every people's faith.

Read : What is Sachchai Kendra Nepal ?

Nissan Gharti Magar is a Pastor of God's Plan Church. He loves to write faith-based Blogs.

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