10 Things You Should Know About John Piper.

Here are 10 Things You Should Know About John Piper.

1. John Piper is a prominent American theologian and pastor who has made significant contributions to the field of Reformed theology.

2. He was born on January 11, 1946, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and grew up in Greenville, South Carolina.

3.Piper served as the pastor for preaching and vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, for over three decades, from 1980 to 2013.

4. He is the founder and teacher of desiringGod.org, a website dedicated to promoting Christian hedonism, a theological framework that emphasizes finding joy and satisfaction in God above all else.

5. Piper has authored numerous books on Christian theology and spirituality, including "Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist," "Don't Waste Your Life," and "The Pleasures of God."

6. He is known for his passionate preaching style and his commitment to expository preaching, which involves explaining and applying the meaning of a biblical text verse by verse.

7. Piper is a staunch advocate for Calvinism, a theological system that emphasizes the sovereignty of God, predestination, and the total depravity of humanity.

8. He has been involved in various controversies and debates within the Christian community, particularly in relation to his views on gender roles and his stance on certain social issues.

9. Piper retired from his role as the senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in 2013 but continues to be active in ministry through speaking engagements, writing, and online resources.

10. Despite the controversies surrounding him, John Piper has had a significant impact on many Christians worldwide, inspiring them to pursue a deep and joyful relationship with God and encouraging them to live according to biblical principles.

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